New Features
New Features

Now: Search by URL to View Omnichannel Business Revenue

Blog Hero image - Omnichannel Revenue URL search -- compressed

Capping off a busy season for our product team, Enigma launches an easier way for you to access our data. This is especially relevant for B2B salespeople and underwriters of business loans.

We recently launched omnichannel revenues, a major product enhancement, with initial rollout via API and batch processing. This enhancement is now available in our web application, meaning you can access this data in a simple UI—no technical integration needed.

Two other important changes to note:

  • We’ve improved the search capabilities of our web application by enabling you to query based on URL only.  
  • We’ve made it more seamless to navigate between business locations and business hierarchies.

Watch the demo video here.

Why should you care

Sales professionals: It’s now a lot easier to incorporate Enigma data into your prospecting research workflows. In just 30 seconds, you can find out a business’s revenue size and growth rate so you can go into a call armed with intel.

Underwriters of business loans: we heard your feedback. You want to know the revenues of an entire business without having to research each location of the business separately. With omnichannel revenue included in our UI, we believe you can save a ton of time and have greater confidence in the risk profile of the business you’re underwriting.

Ready to learn more? Contact us now.