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On Our Minds

What is Small Business Data?

A colorful depiction of small business data points

Successful marketers know that high-quality leads or prospect data is the foundation of any effective strategy.

In this blog, you’ll learn what small business data is and why it’s useful for B2B marketing.

But first, what is small business data?

While definitions of small businesses can vary, small business data is typically defined as information about businesses that have less than $50M in sales and fewer than 500 employees. Small business data encompasses a range of data points, all of which help you better understand a given company.

At Enigma, we focus on small businesses with less than $5M in annual sales. Nearly 90% of all small businesses fall into this category, but data about these businesses has historically been sparse and inaccurate.

Small business data includes contact and business information, firmographic data, and registration details. This data is useful throughout the customer lifecycle, from marketing to sales to applicant evaluation to underwriting.

Contact and business information, such as name, phone number, aliases, and website, help marketers connect with the small business and its employees.

Firmographic data focuses on the business itself and is essential for personalization. Examples of firmographic data include a business’s industry, industry NAICS code, years in business or date founded, and corporate structure.

Marketers also benefit from information on registration state(s), registration date(s), and registration file ID to determine if the small business is verifiable and currently in business.

Other types of small business data may appeal to B2B marketers in specific industries.

For example, B2B financial services marketers may use small business tax liens or UCC filings to understand the risk profiles of small businesses. This data may help marketers better qualify and segment their lists based on the prospect’s eligibility for products and services.

Small business data is available through a variety of government sources, such as the US Census, state corporate registrations, and UCC filings, as well as through private providers.

Small business data can be hard to track down, but Enigma has combined thousands of online and offline sources into an accessible and reliable small business database.

See for yourself how easy it is to look up small business data with Enigma - create a free account for API access.