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Introducing Merchant Transaction Signals

Abstract image with green and blue rectangles, triangles, and arrows.

In a year of record volatility, lenders have struggled to access timely and reliable data about small businesses. Enigma’s Merchant Transaction Signals address this gap, providing key signals about the financial health and growth of small and medium businesses across the U.S.

The data

Enigma has partnered with leading banks and payment processors to aggregate and analyze a panel of hundreds of millions of anonymized credit and debit cards. Using proprietary entity resolution techniques, we’ve transformed these raw transactions into leading indicators of growth and risk at more than 10 million U.S. small and medium businesses.

Available a la carte or as a bundle, these attributes provide a clear picture of business health:

  • Card Revenues  - Reports on the average monthly revenue a business receives from credit and debit card transactions.
  • Card Transactions - Reports on the average monthly card transactions at a business over the previous one-month, three-month, and twelve-month periods.
  • Customer Counts - Reports on the average daily number of customers at a business over the previous one-month, three-month, and twelve-month periods.
  • Revenue Growth - Reports on the average growth rates of a business’s card revenue, both over the previous three-month period and adjusted for seasonality.

How can I use this data?

You can use any of these attributes on their own or combined with Enigma’s other data about business identity and operations.

Risk and underwriting teams can gain deep visibility into an applicant’s financial position before they submit paperwork. Set smarter initial credit limits and more accurately predict a business’s future spend. With data that’s refreshed each month, you can more closely monitor risk and take actions to mitigate damage before a delinquency event occurs.

Merchant Transaction Signals can also help marketing and sales teams accelerate their customer acquisition. From ridding your lead database of shuttered businesses to identifying your best prospects, up-to-date intelligence on a business’s growth helps you maximize the ROI on your direct marketing and prospecting.

What makes our data unique?

  • Fresh - Our data provides signal about business health months before traditional credit scores, and is refreshed every month.
  • Coverage - We cover more than 10 million businesses - and our coverage is constantly growing. Our coverage is especially strong for volatile industries like retail and restaurants.
  • Accuracy - Our attributes are derived directly from the purchases made at a business, rather than estimated from loose firmographics.
  • Seamless - Streamlines your customer experience and reduces the burden on applicants - no need to ask customers to submit additional paperwork or integrate their accounts.
  • Versatile - Empower your marketing team with the same data as your risk team. From list enrichment to API, we deliver the data in the way that makes the most sense for each team’s workflows.

Interested in learning more? Get in touch to request a sample.