Revenue Growth

Revenue Growth data provides visibility into how card revenue is trending at a business over time.


Enigma’s Revenue Growth data enables you to understand in real time how business health is trending. See the card revenue growth rates of a business both year-over-year and over rolling three-month periods.

How to use this data

Revenue Growth data is used by risk, underwriting, and marketing teams. Incorporating Enigma’s low-lag revenue growth data into models can give risk and underwriting teams timely visibility into the financial health of a business. Risk teams currently using this data have found the rate of growth to be extremely predictive of delinquencies. Underwriting teams use revenue growth insights to understand which customers will be most profitable.

Marketing teams use revenue growth data to segment qualified leads for improved response rates and ROI on direct marketing campaigns. Understand which products are a fit for a prospect and which prospects are most likely to be approved.

Sample API output

{ "card_revenue_growth": { "end_date": "2020-08-31", "3m": { "start_date": "2020-06-01", "ratio": 0.1320, "ratio_sa": 0.0218 }, "12m": { "start_date": "2019-09-01", "ratio": 0.1338 } } }