SBA Loan Lookup

Enigma SBA Loans data reveals businesses that have received loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. Signaling resiliency, SBA Loans data helps you identify small businesses that are more likely to be in good standing.


Enigma combines multiple data sources to provide a detailed view of small businesses that receive SBA loans. The presence of an SBA loan can be a positive signal for financial institutions: not only has that business already met the qualifying standards of the SBA, but the business may also be lower risk in terms of their willingness or ability to pay back future loans.

How to use this data

Finding resilient small businesses is critical to many financial institutions and fintechs right now. From applicant decisioning to marketing lead qualification, SBA Loans data can be used as a positive indicator for financial institutions seeking to identify healthier prospects and customers. SBA Loans data is best used in tandem with Enigma’s other small business health signals, such as card revenues and revenue growth, to provide a richer profile of the business.

Sample API output

{ "sba_loans": { "total_value": 1200000.5, "loan_details": [ { "loan_type": "7a", "loan_status": "PIF", "term_months": 120, "approval_date": "2017-10-01", "gross_approval_amount": 25000.5 } ], "total_number": 5, "total_value_active": 200000.5, "total_number_active": 1, "total_value_charged_off": 0, "total_number_charged_off": 0 }}